
Welcome to Michigan Lakes!

We are all about Michigan lakes. Life on, in and near Michigan's lakefront brings a richness that rewards for a lifetime. Have a story or comments on your experience? You can be one of the first to share it with the world on our Michigan lake directory.

Lake Blog

Why Postcards

From time to time, I like to use old postcards for a post and you may be wondering why.  Well, to me, postcards are fascinating.  I find the pictures on the cards, particularly if there are real photos, interesting. I want to visit the spot where the photo was taken, often over 100 years ago, and see what it looks like today. I have found that many of the buildings pictured on these cards still stand today, a tribute to the quality of construction in that era. I have also found that the many lakes featured on these cards are as beautiful today as they were so many years ago.

 I also enjoy the messages on the back of the cards. Some are amusing, some are informative, and some are just a quick note to get a message to someone.  The messages are a glimpse into the lives of those who built and established the cities and towns around Michigan. They are a glimpse into the lives of the hardworking farmers and their families. 

 It is amazing to me the high percentage of these cards that are sent by someone vacationing on a Michigan lake.  Many things have changed in the last 100 years, but one thing has not, people love our Michigan lakes!

Dear Cassie, I will send you a postal to let you know I have not forgotten you- although I am so busy, I can not hardly get time to write you. There are eleven in the family and that keeps me busy finding enough to eat. I am coming home one week from Friday evening, hope someone will come after me. Read mas card and see what I want. I am well but tired tonight. What are you doing new these days? Tell Ben hello- and the boys. Good bye. Allie  September 9, 1908″





Written by Dave.


About Us


Waterlandliving.com: A site that highlights various towns in western and northern Michigan located on inland lakes. We travel to the towns and cities and visit the local restaurants, parks and other attractions unique to that town. We also visit smaller, quieter, lakes that are “off the beaten path”. We want to encourage people to visit the many beautiful lakes and rivers in Michigan that are often overlooked because they are not as well known as some of the bigger bodies of water.

The site also has helpful articles on purchasing lakefront properties, explanation of real estate terms and many other articles useful to both the first time buyer and experienced buyer. Buying property for the first time is frightening and many people don’t know where to begin or what questions to ask. We hope to help alleviate some of those fears by clarifying some of the more confusing aspects of a purchase.  We hope to make investing in waterfront property a rewarding experience that will bring enjoyment and relaxation for many years to come.

Most of all, go out and enjoy Michigan.

Written by Dave.

Father's Day

If you forgot your father this year, there is Hallmark


Written by Dave.

Eat Your Veggies!

Michigan’s Farmer’s Markets are great places! Fresh fruit and vegetables, baked goods, flowers, homemade soaps and canned goods, there is something for everyone. Some people come to the market with a purpose, they know what they want and who they are going to buy it from. Vendors know them and call them by name.  Others go from vendor to vendor, looking for the best prices and the freshest produce and it is very evident that they are enjoying every minute of the hunt.  There is an air of excitement as people go from stall to stall, arms loading with their purchases. So, take time this summer to visit a Farmer’s Market near you.  You too, may find yourself hooked!




Written by Dave.

Drive By Shooting

fedexa1It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday, so I decided to head to the lakefront and watch the sunset. As usual, I had my camera; my motto is “Never leave home without it.” As I was driving in the area of the airport, I was intrigued by the lights at the FedEx hanger, so I had my passenger attempt a drive by shooting. Not an award winner, but interesting. At least to me.

Written by Dave.

Glen Arbor

Glen Arbor is one of those special places in Michigan that has a unique beauty that changes with each season.  Glen Arbor is nestled in the northern Michigan woods, between the Glen Lakes to the south and Sleeping Bear Bay north. With Sleeping Bear Bay being located just off Lake Michigan, it is easy to see why Glen Arbor is such a popular destination for tourists and also the location that many choose to buy or build a summer home. The population of Glen Arbor almost triples during the summer months.

We always make it a point to visit  Glen Arbor several times during the year.  Each visit we try to check out something new,  but we also have a few places that we must stop at each time we visit.

For us, and many others, no visit to Glen Arbor is complete without a visit to the Cherry Republic. Cherry Republic is an emporium that is all about cherries. Michigan cherries, of course. You will find everything cherry from cherry salsa (hot and mild) cherry salad dressing, cherry wine, cherry ketchup and hundreds of other products. A delightful store with an attitude about cherries. In fact, when you call them, if you do not like cherries you will be instructed to press 6- and then you will be disconnected. Be sure to visit Cherry Republic with an empty stomach, as you will want to taste each one the many, many products they have available for sampling.

Glenn Arbor is full of delightful art galleries. Our favorite is Synchronicity, located on the west edge of town. This art gallery sells quality art, displayed salon style, from a variety of Michigan artists using a variety of mediums. Visiting this gallery, with its friendly, knowledgeable and helpful staff, is always one of the highlights of our trip.

Each season brings a new and unique beauty to the area. And, every time we visit we find something new to love about Glen Arbor and Leelanau County.




Written by Dave.

Eating Out of Doors

outdooreatingAs we approach the end of summer, one thing I know I will miss is going out to eat at restaurants with outdoor seating.  Many restaurants overlooking lakes or rivers have deck seating with beautiful views and diners can relax watching boats and nature as they enjoy a good meal. A great way to unwind after a long day!

I also enjoy eating at restaurants that may not have a spectacular view, but still have outdoor seating. There is just something a little more festive and relaxed about sitting outdoors and enjoying a warm summer day or evening. In the more casual atmosphere of outdoor dining, there often seems to be more camaraderie and friendliness among diners. And, there always seems to be a lot more laughter!

Summer may be nearly over, but we still have plenty of beautiful fall days left to enjoy outdoor eating.

Written by Dave.

Northport Michigan

airportMichiganders  think of an airport , they may think of the Gerald R. Ford International or Detroit Metro airports. Frazzled travelers, long lines at ticket counters, multi-storied parking garages, special x-ray equipment, security checks, and of course, long delays immediately come to mind.

However, one of my favorite airstrips is found outside of Northport Michigan, up in Leelanau County. On the grounds of the airport is a stone building with an outdoor viewing area on top of the building.  The viewing area is covered with a multicolored canvas, giving the building a very festive appearance.

With the anticipation of a nice trip to a interesting place, or when picking up returning friends or families, why should we have to put up with “cookie cutter” airport buildings?  Every airport seems to look the same, sound  the same and have the same places to eat and shop.  Why shouldn’t all airports be more festive? You might even see more smiles on the faces of the travelers.

Written by Dave.

Pump your Dump



Septic systems routinely need to be pumped by a licensed septic hauler.

A friend recently sent this photo of septic hauler to us and it is too good not to post on our site.

I am not going to rant and rave about politics and the upcoming elections. We all hear enough about that on TV and in the newspapers. But, I will refer you to the article we recently wrote on  Septic Systems.

Written by Dave.

Pump your Dump



Septic systems routinely need to be pumped by a licensed septic hauler.

A friend recently sent this photo of septic hauler to us and it is too good not to post on our site.

I am not going to rant and rave about politics and the upcoming elections. We all hear enough about that on TV and in the newspapers. But, I will refer you to the article we recently wrote on  Septic Systems.

Written by Dave.

Happy Thankgsgiving!

pilgrimThe following is an excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation declaring Thanksgiving an official national holiday in 1863.  So often we get so wrapped up in all the preparations and football games, we forget the real meaning of the day.  Take some time this Thanksgiving to reflect on all your blessings!

“No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”

Written by Dave.