
Welcome to Michigan Lakes!

We are all about Michigan lakes. Life on, in and near Michigan's lakefront brings a richness that rewards for a lifetime. Have a story or comments on your experience? You can be one of the first to share it with the world on our Michigan lake directory.
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Guidelines and Suggestions

pensFrom time to time, we are approached from others about writing a guest post for WaterLandLiving.com, I decided to put some of our guidelines and thoughts down in the form of a post.

We are open to the possibility if it fits into the context of our site. If you are not sure if your product or service fits in, read our articles.

The post is not an advertisement of your product or services. The idea of the post is to present information of interest and value to the readers of Waterlandliving.com   if your article is of interest to the reader, they will naturally visit your site.

The article will be prefaced by an introduction to you and your business. It will include a link back to your website. Please do not include other links to your site. That would look like advertising and will be rejected.

The article needs to be original, written by you and not previously posted on any other website (including your own). You may include it later on your website, 45 days after it is posted on waterlandliving.com.

The topic of the article must fit within the perimeter of the content of our site; special places of interest in Michigan, Michigan Real Estate, Michigan Products and Services.

The length is up to you. A post of 500 – 600 words is ideal. Develop your point, but do not try to present too much information.

Please edit the post yourself, we are not editors. A picture is a welcome addition to the post. It must be of the quality of the others found on our site. Pictures may not include people. 

All posts are subject to our review and approval of use. Content must be “family friendly” and be free of offensive language. We reserve the right to refuse to post any article.

Written by Dave.