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Nestor Lake (West)

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Street: East Mannsiding Rd Gladwin Michigan
Zip Code: 48624
County: Clare
Longitude: -84.65597
Latitude: 43.96022
Acreage: 29

Nestor Lake (West) is located in Arthur Township in Eastern Clare County, two miles from the Gladwin County line. You can see Nestor Lakes (East and West) from along side of Mannisiding Road, one half mile West from the corner of Bailey Lake Avenue.

This Michigan lake consists of 29 acres of surface waters with reported depths of 27 feet.

The State of Michigan owns approximately forty acres of land with an estimated 1400 feet of lake frontage on Nestor Lake (west) in the Southeastern corner section of the lake.

Nestor Lake

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Date added: 2011-06-20 08:59:47    Hits: 1484
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