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Lake Twentyeight

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Street: E. Heights Rd Remus Michigan
Zip Code: 49340
County: Mecosta
Longitude: 43.656268
Latitude: -85.148669
Acreage: 37
Description: laketwentyeightLake Twenty Eight is located in Sheridan Township in eastern Mecosta County, just a stone’s throw off M66, south of Arthur Road, just across from Chippewa Hills High School,home of the Warriors. The lake is about 6 miles south of Barryton, Michigan.  

 A  Michigan lake of 37 acres, with reported depths of 26 feet,  Lake Twenty Eight is about 50% developed with a mix of seasonal cottages and year round home. There is no known public access to the lake.

Many times we can be so busy going here or there and in such a hurry to get there, that we forget about the  lifestyle of fishing and relaxation that life on a Michigan lake can bring. We are just moving about to fast.

I would like to know why they called it Lake Twenty Eight. If you have any thoughts on this, let me know.

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Date added: 2013-07-21 14:49:03    Hits: 1272
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