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Holland Lake

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Street: Dorothy Bowen Dr Sheridan Michigan
Zip Code: 48884
County: Montcalm
Longitude: -85.042858
Latitude: 43.23132
  • Private

Acreage: 78

hollandlakeHolland Lake is nowhere near Holland Michigan. Rather, Holland Lake is located in Evergreen Township, 4 ½ miles south and east of Stanton, in central Montcalm County. This Michigan lake has of 78 acres of surface waters, with reported depths of up to 40 feet.

Adjacent to the lake, but not on the lake, is the Holland Lake Golf Course, a public course of nine holes.

As for why it’s called Holland Lake, I have no clue. If you do, let me know.

Spring is here, the colors are greening up. I have noticed that people are putting their boats back in the water and at long last it is time to enjoy a Michigan Lake!

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Date added: 2011-04-25 11:38:15    Hits: 1455
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