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Todd Lake

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Street: Penasha Dr Reed City Michigan
Zip Code: 49677
County: Osceola
Longitude: 43.9492
Latitude: -85.4573
  • Public

Acreage: 75
Lake Amenities:
  • Boat Launch


toddlakeTodd Lake is located in Lincoln Township in Osceola County. This Michigan lake consists of seventy-five acres of surface waters with reported depths of fifty feet.

Fishermen report catches of Bass- large and small mouth as well as Bluegill on Todd Lake.

Just off Nine Mile Road (on the southern side of Todd Lake), the DNR maintains a public access with a paved boat launch, parking for eight cars and a vault style toilet. The site is located on the south eastern corner of the lake.

The lake contains a peninsula with several cottages (Penasha Drive) jetting out towards the center of the lake. Thinking of buying a cottage on the peninsula of this lake? Talk to the neighbors to find out the history before you buy, it may be subject to flooding in the spring of the year.

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Date added: 2011-04-14 07:06:09    Hits: 2327
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