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Silver Lake - Van Buren County

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Street: Silver Lake Rd Grand Junction Michigan
Zip Code: 49056
County: Van Buren
Longitude: -86.059766
Latitude: 42.389721
Acreage: 45
Description: Silver Lake is located in Van Buren County adjacent to Saddle Lake (298 acres), North of North Lake (45 acres) and East of Coffee Lake (35 acres).

This Michigan lake consists of 45 acres of surface waters.


Silver Lake, Grand Junction, Michigan

  silver lake  
  June 24, 1913

Dear Sister,

How are you? I expect to see you soon. Al intends to come here about the 4th of July. Dorothy will come over soon after. Hope you are all well. With love to all.

Your sister,


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Date added: 2013-11-01 14:38:08    Hits: 2657
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